Getting Your New Year's Resolution Right#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

 How can you be one of the seven percent of adults who make and keep a New Year's Resolution for over thirty days? Find out below, but first a bit of history.

The Romans had a demi-God (I suppose) called Janus. Janus had one head but with two faces, one point leftward into the past and one pointing right into the future. This is one of the many origins of The New Year as a time for reflection. And why we have 'January'.

I'm a sucker for this time of year. I get into the Christmas season by releasing an EP of 'Christmas Songs' and I get all tense and optimistic about 'New Beginnings'. 

This year I put out a series of twelve shorts on YouTube about how to prepared for a successful New Year's Resolution, and am feeling a little buzz of optimism.

My man Bedros Keulian is opposed to all of this as he sees it as a fabricated jolt of optimism that can only result in failure of off-putting of the Goals. He recommends just 'Start Now'. I sympathise with that view. But it's also true that there is a cultural imperative to make Resolutions, 

However very few people et any training or advice about how to become one of the seven percent who actually succeed at their New Year's Resolutions for more than three weeks.

So over the past three weeks I've analysed some key components to getting it done right. 

  • Focus on what you are gaining. Not 'I'm giving up smoking' but 'I'm gaining a healthier body.'
  • Have a sympathetic but tough assistant friend confederate, confidante to hold you to account'.
  • Prepare whatever you need to help you. If it is not vaping, get rid of the vape. If it is not drinking alcohol, don't buy that next six-pack. If it is going to the gym, scope/get membership and pack your bag.
  • Plan for thirty days only. Break your Resolution into a manageable, accountable and monitorable segment.
  • If you lapse, don't give up. Forgive (yourself) and pick up where you left off.
Remember if toddlers thought like 93% of adults, no one would be walking!

You are planning for success. So make success a series of new habits that can compound upon themselves. Allow yourself thirty days to immerse yourself in the subtle identity shifts you must engage in so you can re-invent your lifestyle to accommodate your ambitions.

In brief focus on what you are gaining - 

  • Positive lifestyle choices.
  • Improved self-esteem.
  • A sense of control.
  • Better Health or wealth.
GO for it!


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