How To Make AI Your New Best Friend#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching


In a world increasingly AI (Artificial Intelligence) featured world, it is tempting to feel overwhelmed by the professionalism and bulk of the AI media out there. 

But the wonderful thing about AI is that it will make actual humans more valuable. Ask yourself this: “How can I stand out?”  “What makes me different to AI?” That’s right! You are human, flawed and unique. 

So AI can't be you, but it can be a great tool to enhance your productivity – if you know how to use it. I’m sure there were people who were afraid of the printing press, the typewriter and the blackboard when they were invented, but come on let’s be realistic.

I mean, there is no way you would be able to work out this was done by AI. - Would you?!?

AI provides multiple opportunities to cultivate your creativity. For example, although this post wasn’t literally written by AI, it was a great way for me to get the ‘bones’ of the article up and running, and certainly saved me valuable time. I could then employ my own ideas to flesh out the skeleton and AI’s input actually stimulated newer, better ideas for me to share with you, my fellow human.

The perfect response to AI is: Be Yourself and post about it! 

Posting on social media can be a powerful strategy for building your brand’s visibility, increasing peoples’ awareness, and ultimately promoting any small business. It may seem counterintuitive to ‘flood’ your audience with content, but this approach can yield positive results over time. Remember not everyone uses the same platforms, so a person on TikTok might not see a post on Instagram, and a person on Instagram might not read this Blog, and a person who might read this Blog might not go on Linkedin, and a person on Linkedin might ignore facebook – or pinterest… You get the picture?

In the modern era, you need to have a Consistent Presence. Consistent in output, but also in intent. The digital landscape is vast and highly competitive. By posting regularly, you maintain a consistent presence in the minds of your audience. Frequent posts keep your brand at the forefront of their feeds, increasing the likelihood that they will remember and engage with your content. And the best way to do this is to post about your life, your loves, your ideas, quirky, unusual or just plain interesting. Trust me on this, after the initial excitement of seeing ‘perfect girls’ ‘perfect families’ and reading ‘perfect pitches’, the human brain, with its limitless appetite for novelty, will get used to ‘AI’ and unconsciously seek ‘Actual Intelligence’

So how would you get those pesky algorithms to do your bidding and project your brand to the global marketplace? Well, Social media algorithms tend to favour accounts that post regularly and engage with their audience. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter prioritize active users, promoting their content to a wider audience. By consistently sharing content, you enhance your chances of appearing in more users' feeds and gaining organic reach. Post about what you know.

Encourage audience engagement. The more widely you share, the more opportunities you create for likes, comments, and shares. Engaged followers are more likely to become loyal customers and brand advocates, helping to amplify your reach as they share your content with their networks.

But aim for variety of output, but consistency of personality. The one instructive remark I received about my work after literally months and hours of posting was about one ‘blue’ joke I posted in a moment of levity.

So avoid: Politics Sex and Religion. (Unless of course that is what your brand is about… in which case – go bananas!)

Remember, your relentless posting strategy allows you to experiment with different types of content, from images and videos to infographics and blog posts. This variety keeps your content fresh and interesting, appealing to a broader audience with diverse preferences. 

(Above: Shot on location in Los Angeles, circa 1955)

also means that you get quite good at it. In the early days, when you are making the most mistakes and honing your craft: NO ONE IS WATCHING! That fact alone is like balm on your soul. You can practice your craft, get good at it, and after posting relentlessly suddenly become and ‘overnight success’. Because trust is a crucial factor in your business success. Consistent posting establishes your and  builds trust with your audience, making them more likely to choose your products or services when making purchasing decisions.

Another advantage of your relentless engagement is that social media trends evolve rapidly. By posting frequently, you demonstrate your ability to adapt to the latest trends and stay relevant in your industry. This adaptability can attract a younger audience and showcase your brand as modern and forward-thinking. If you want a head-start on this, head over to the free ‘Google Trends’ service. Google also proved a free service which will tell you which Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) taglines are doing best. Mine are currently #motivation #personaldevelopment and #lifecoaching.  

Your work in social media allows you to study the science of visibility.  The more you post, the more opportunities you create for your content to be shared and discovered by new audiences. This increased visibility is essential for growing your brand and reaching potential customers who may not have been aware of your business before.

So, how to do it so it don’t hurt too bad:

Draw up a posting schedule in your diary and put it in Google Calendar and follow it.

Have a little wriggle-room – for example I hadn’t planned to write and post this actual article today –

Make your personality part of the brand.

Follow the No sex, No Religion No Politics Rule – unless you are selling any of those!

Use AI as a tool to enhance your productivity – it is not ‘the enemy’.



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