The New Rock'n'Roll #personaldevelopment#lifecoaching


Did you ever dig a group before they became ‘famous’ then lose interest because they ‘sold out’? Have you ever 'dug' a self-help guru then lost interest when they upset you?

Photo by Tijs van Leur on Unsplash

Have you ever considered why Rock’n’Roll was able to happen? I mean, the availability of the audience, the changing social constructs, the available of technology such as radio, vinyl and venues? Did you ever consider yourself part of a cool tribe that the ‘squares’ didn’t know of, or understand? Did every (cool) man and his dog suddenly take up an instrument and start practicing in their garage?

Well, if you think about it, the personal development industry meets all of those criteria.

That's right! Personal Development is the New Rock’n’Roll. 

Personal development has emerged to meet certain needs that aren’t met in ‘everyday’ life. It has emerged to fill a void in people's’ needs that conventional institutions fail to recognise or tend to demean. It is populated by people with a mission. My mission is to assist others to achieve their potentials. And underneath all of this are some basic shared realities by growing numbers of our colleagues.  It is an underground movement. 

Photo by Hanson Lu on Unsplash


·       Increasing desire for self-improvement: Individuals recognise the importance of continuous self-improvement for personal and professional success. Honing skills and developing a growth mindset are essential for navigating competitive environments. This has sparked a heightened interest in personal development.

·       Influence of social media and digital connectivity: Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube have provided a platform for influencers, coaches, and experts to share valuable personal development insights and experiences. The widespread accessibility of these platforms has facilitated the dissemination of advice, techniques, and inspiration to a broader audience seeking guidance on self-improvement.

·       New awareness of mental wellbeing: Society places greater emphasis on mental health awareness and destigmatisation, individuals who don’t need counselling or psychiatric care are increasingly turning to personal development practices such as mindfulness, self-care, and emotional intelligence to enhance their own mental well-being and personal growth. It’s like doing routine maintenance on a vehicle, instead of running it into the ground then needing a complete rebuild.

·       Desire for life satisfaction: Many people are reevaluating traditional measures of success, such as financial wealth or career advancement. Such as greater importance on factors like personal fulfillment, purpose, and work-life balance. Personal development has become a means for individuals to cultivate a sense of meaning and fulfillment in various aspects of their lives beyond conventional success metrics.

·       Democratisation of knowledge: Social Media Platforms have revolutionised access to information and knowledge. Personal development resources more accessible than ever. Individuals have access to a wealth of free or low-cost resources, including articles, videos, courses, and workshops, on topics ranging from goal setting to emotional resilience. This democratisation of knowledge has empowered individuals to take control of their personal growth journeys and pursue self-improvement on their own terms.

TThe next time you get a cup of coffee at work, ask that shy colleague if they have ever read a self-help book or have a favourite personal development podcast. You might be surprised by their answer!


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