How Did The The Beatles and The Rolling Stones Compare?#Beatles#Stones#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

 The Beatles has a game called 'Coke/Pepsi'. It was their way of judging if a product was authentic or not. The idea behind it was that Coca Cola was an original brand and tht Pepsi was invented to capitalise on the success. It is also true that The Beatles spearheaded 'The British Invasion' of the USA in sixties. Essentially repackaging and selling back to the Americans great American music which had been overlooked by mainstream America because of the colour of the skins of many of its artists. In their wake came a host of other British bands, The Animals, Herman's Hermits, The Dave Clark Five, and others, including The Rolling Stones. 

The Beatles, circa 'Rubber Soul'

The Beatles had achieved so much adulation that they felt entitled to be the judge and jury over what they deemed to be authentic.

And so, how might any of us answer the question: "Are you for real?" 

Are you The Beatles or are you The Stones? Are you 'Coke' or are you 'Pepsi'?

The Rolling Stones have such an incredible track record, it is difficult to remember that when they started they were Beatles 'wannabes'  "I Wanna be Your Man..." - was there a hidden jibe in that song the Beatles gave to the Stones and launched their careers?

The collusion and mimicry went on throughout the sixties. Perhaps reaching a highwater mark when, post 'Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' , the Stones released "Her Satanic Majesty's Request', looking like cut-price Beatles on the cover. 

The Stones after Sgt Pepper's

This was before the Rolling Stones really found their own identity as a band, I would argue. As soon as they shed the shadow of The Beatles they became a monumental international act, and honed and refined the stadium rock pioneered by The Beatles to new and unseen heights.

So what makes or qualifies a brand, product or person as 'Real'?

Authenticity is a crucial factor that can significantly impact a brand's relationship with its consumers.

Yes, different consumers may prioritise various aspects, here are five characteristics that often indicate authenticity:

An authentic brand maintains consistency across its messaging, actions, and products. Consumers trust brands that deliver a consistent experience, both in terms of quality and values. When a brand's behavior aligns with its promises, it builds credibility and fosters trust.

Authentic brands are transparent about their business practices, sourcing, and operations. They share information about their products, manufacturing processes, and any potential challenges. This helps build trust, as consumers appreciate honesty and openness.

 Brands that prioritise their customers and genuinely seek to meet their needs tend to be perceived as more authentic. This involves actively listening to customer feedback and continuously improving products and services based on customer input. However, a great brand, Like The Beatles, or Apple, The Body Shop, Gary Vee knows how to spearhead and innovate with purpose. Some consumers really enjoy the challenge of being initial adopters of a brand.

A clear purpose and values that go beyond profit stands for something meaningful and aligns the brand's actions with its stated values. Consumers are more likely to connect with and support brands that share their values and contribute to social or environmental causes.

Authentic brands humanise their interactions, showing the human side of their business. This can be achieved through relatable storytelling, engaging with customers on social media, and showcasing the people behind the brand. 'John, Paul George and Ringo' humanised their brand so effectively that it created and emotional connection (making it more relatable and trustworthy) which lives on into the present. I mean can you name every member of The Dave Clark Five?

So authenticity is a dynamic quality, and any brand or producer must consistently demonstrate these characteristics over time to build a strong and lasting connection with their consumers. 

Although consumer perceptions of authenticity may vary, so it's essential for brands to stay attuned to their audience and adapt accordingly. Which ultimately is what ensured that The Rolling Stones are still performing to packed stadiums well into their eighties.







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