What's Your 'Elevator Pitch'?#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching


There is an anecdote about two masons who were hard at work, chiselling away at stones. When asked by the visiting patron what they were doing, one replied, 

"I chip at stones all day," and went into a tirade about long hours, the boredom of his job, the back-breaking labour, the callouses on his hands and so forth.”

Photo by Biel Morro on Unsplash


When the patron asked the second mason “What do you do?” he replied: "I'm building a cathedral." 

The second Mason went on to describe how the results of his work would inspire people for a hundred generations, defy the laws of gravity and provide a symphony in stone and sheer human effort to the glory of his God.

Both masons were correct. But which would you rather be? 

The first, self-absorbed and self-pitying, or the second with a clear vision of the greater goal, which imbued his work with meaning and direction? 

Equally importantly, which one would you be more likely to employ? Which one would show greater leadership? Which one would be more likely to have positive relationships with his colleagues?

The first Mason's ‘elevator pitch’ unfolded an encyclopedia of information about him.

So, if someone were to ask you, “What do you do?” what would you say? Would you be able to ‘sell’ your service to them in the time it takes to ride an elevator between say four floors? Would your words inspire, confuse, or depress the listener?

The ability to succinctly articulate who you are and what you do is invaluable. An ‘elevator pitch’ is a concise, compelling summary of yourself or your work that can be delivered in the time it takes to ride an elevator. It’s a skill that can transform your professional and personal growth, providing greater effectiveness, satisfaction, and fulfillment.  Think of it as your personal brand statement, a brief introduction that captures your essence and communicates your value proposition. Whether you're a life coach helping individuals navigate personal challenges or a construction worker building physical structures, a well-crafted elevator pitch can make all the difference in how others perceive and engage with you.

In business, having a compelling elevator pitch can open doors, attract opportunities, and leave a lasting impression on potential clients, investors, or collaborators. Imagine being at a networking event and confidently introducing yourself with a concise statement that captures your expertise and passion. It sets the stage for meaningful conversations and establishes credibility from the outset.

"I'm dedicated to empowering individuals to unlock their full potential and live authentically. Through personalized guidance and actionable strategies” or  “I help my clients navigate life's challenges with clarity, confidence, and purpose."

"I play a vital role in bringing architectural visions to life. I bring meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to quality, I enrich communities and produce work that will stand the test of time."

Your ‘elevator pitch’ not only communicates what the individual does but also conveys a sense of purpose and impact. It speaks volumes about a person’s life view that resonates with others but also fuels one's own sense of fulfillment and motivation.  In life itself, crafting a personal elevator pitch can also enhance your sense of self-awareness and direction in life. By distilling your goals, values, and aspirations into a succinct statement, you gain clarity on what truly matters to you and how you want to contribute to the world.

Photo by andrew welch on Unsplash

Whatever you declare, your elevator pitch is an encyclopedia of information for the listener.

"I'm passionate about environmental sustainability and dedicated to creating a greener future," or

 "I guess I'm just trying to get by." One communicates purpose and optimism, while the latter communicates uncertainty and aimlessness.

This is not just about ‘selling yourself’. The economic argument is implicit anyway. It's about taking time to assert clarity, purpose, and positivity over your actions. So, take the time to define your narrative, hone your message. Your well-thought out elevator pitches can be the small hinges with swing the doors of opportunity open.


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