
Showing posts from July, 2024

Why Purpose, Intention and Awareness = The Power to Decide

  It is easy to feel like we’re caught in a whirlwind of responsibilities, ambitions, and challenges. But certain principles can ground us, provide clarity and direction in our personal and professional lives.  Purpose, Intention, and Awareness are three such guiding principles that hold immense power. They are not merely abstract concepts; they are the bedrock of personal development and the foundation of a fulfilling life.  Let’s dive into these principles, drawing on a real-world example, the polarizing figure of Donald Trump, to illustrate their transformative potential.   The Power of Purpose Purpose is the cornerstone of a meaningful life. It’s the driving force that gives our actions direction and significance. Without a clear purpose, we’re like a ship adrift at sea, susceptible to the whims of external forces. Purpose acts as our compass, guiding us through life’s turbulent waters.   Donald Trump’s career is a testament to the power of purpose. Regardless of one’s o

The Mary Celeste v. Purpose, Intentionality, and Awareness

 The tragic tale of The Mary Celeste is perhaps the most extreme metaphor for life – in particular what can go wrong in life.  For many years the tale was said to be proof of paranormal activity. How could a ship be found deserted, with food still on the plates, and the vessel undamaged and tranquil?  Years later it was established that fearing an explosion from their volatile cargo, the captain his wife, child and small crew had taken a dinghy and the lifeline attaching them to the mother vessel had snapped – causing the to drift away to their deaths. The decisions made in fear and confusion left a ghostly ship adrift on the high seas, its destination abandoned, its purpose redundant. it's crew doomed. photo: The Smithsonian And so it is with   your personal growth. The sea stretches endlessly before you, teeming with potential adventures and unforeseen challenges. Your destination is set, your crew is skilled, and your ship is well-equipped. This is the journey of   your

Success is a verb, Not a Noun. Act On It.

  Feeling like you're not in control of your own success? The truth is you are. And if you are not succeeding, it's because you are not doing the right things to achieve success. Don't forget, there are many billionaires who die alone, unloved, or unappreciated. Success is not about money. Money is nice, but it represents that which is attracted to the right kinds of people. Therefore you attract wealth by being the kind of person that wealth is attracted to. And wealth abhors a personality vacuum. The major thing you must consider is this:  Success is a verb, not a noun,  It is a compounding process which requires your total attention. If you understand success and appreciate how successful you are, you will achieve success like it is compounded interest. Forget 'overnight success'. Success is not some mythical oasis. Success is already inside you. Learn to recognise it.  Start with the basics, my friend. Every day above ground. i s  a  s u c c e s s. Your friends