Why Purpose, Intention and Awareness = The Power to Decide


It is easy to feel like we’re caught in a whirlwind of responsibilities, ambitions, and challenges.

But certain principles can ground us, provide clarity and direction in our personal and professional lives. 

Purpose, Intention, and Awareness are three such guiding principles that hold immense power. They are not merely abstract concepts; they are the bedrock of personal development and the foundation of a fulfilling life. 

Let’s dive into these principles, drawing on a real-world example, the polarizing figure of Donald Trump, to illustrate their transformative potential.


The Power of Purpose

Purpose is the cornerstone of a meaningful life. It’s the driving force that gives our actions direction and significance. Without a clear purpose, we’re like a ship adrift at sea, susceptible to the whims of external forces. Purpose acts as our compass, guiding us through life’s turbulent waters.


Donald Trump’s career is a testament to the power of purpose. Regardless of one’s opinion of him, it’s undeniable that Trump has always had a clear, unwavering purpose. From his early days in real estate to his tenure as President of the United States, Trump’s actions have been guided by a strong sense of purpose. This purpose has provided him with the resilience to weather numerous controversies and setbacks.


For anyone striving to achieve their own goals, identifying and committing to a purpose is crucial. It’s not enough to simply have goals; those goals need to be anchored in a deeper sense of purpose. When your purpose is clear, it fuels your passion and determination, making it easier to overcome obstacles and stay the course.


Steps to Identify Your Purpose:

Reflect on Your Passions: What activities make you feel most alive? What topics or causes ignite your enthusiasm? Reflecting on these questions can help you identify your core passions.

Assess Your Strengths: What are you naturally good at? Your strengths can provide clues to your purpose.

Consider Your Values: What principles guide your decisions? Aligning your purpose with your core values ensures that your actions are congruent with who you are.

Look at the Big Picture: What legacy do you want to leave? Thinking about the long-term impact you want to have can help you define your purpose.

The Power of Intention

Intention is the fuel that drives purposeful action. It’s about being deliberate and mindful in our actions, ensuring that they align with our goals and values. When we act with intention, we’re not just reacting to circumstances; we’re proactively shaping our lives.

Donald Trump’s career, whether in business or politics, is characterized by strong, deliberate intentions. His actions are seldom left to chance. This intention-setting has been a powerful tool for his success. It’s a reminder that we too should approach our lives with deliberate actions aligned with our goals.


Intention-setting is not a one-time event; it’s a continuous process. It involves regularly checking in with ourselves, reassessing our goals, and ensuring that our actions remain aligned with our purpose.


Steps to Cultivate Strong Intentions:

Set Clear Goals: Your intentions should be tied to specific, measurable goals. Vague intentions lead to vague results.

Create a Plan: Break down your goals into actionable steps. Having a plan increases the likelihood of taking consistent, intentional action.

Stay Mindful: Regularly reflect on your actions and their alignment with your goals. Mindfulness practices like meditation can help you stay present and focused.

Adjust as Needed: Life is dynamic, and so are your goals. Be willing to adjust your intentions as circumstances change.

The Power of Awareness

Awareness is the third pillar of a fulfilling life. It involves being attuned to our internal states as well as our external environment. Awareness allows us to recognize opportunities, anticipate challenges, and respond effectively to changing circumstances.


The recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump underscores the importance of awareness. While this is an extreme example, it highlights how crucial it is to be vigilant and adaptable. Awareness isn’t just about physical safety; it’s about being attuned to the dynamics of our environment and the impact of our actions.


For personal development, awareness involves self-reflection and an understanding of how our behaviors and choices affect our lives. It’s about recognizing patterns, both positive and negative, and making conscious adjustments to enhance our well-being.


Steps to Enhance Awareness:

Practice Mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to cultivate present-moment awareness.

Reflect Regularly: Set aside time for regular self-reflection. Journaling can be a powerful tool for this.

Seek Feedback: Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from others. Different perspectives can provide valuable insights into your behaviors and their impact.

Stay Informed: Keep abreast of developments in your field and the broader world. This external awareness complements your internal awareness, enabling you to make informed decisions.

Bonus: The Coaching Wheel: A Practical Tool for Personal Development

To effectively implement the principles of purpose, intention, and awareness in your life, consider using the Coaching Wheel. This powerful tool helps you visualize and assess various aspects of your life, providing clarity and direction.

The Coaching Wheel is a circle divided into segments, each representing a different area such as career, relationships, health, and finances. By rating your satisfaction in each area, you can quickly identify where you are thriving and where you need to focus your efforts.

Benefits of the Coaching Wheel:

Holistic View: Provides a comprehensive snapshot of your life, highlighting areas of strength and those needing improvement.

Clarity and Focus: Helps you gain clarity on where to focus your efforts and set clear, actionable goals.

Enhanced Self-Awareness: Encourages regular reflection, increasing your self-awareness and understanding of your life’s dynamics.

Motivation and Accountability: Serves as a visual reminder of your goals, fostering accountability and commitment.

Balanced Life: Helps you achieve a balanced and fulfilling life by regularly assessing and adjusting your focus.

Download Your FREE Coaching Wheel PDF:


Are you ready to take control of your personal growth? Email me at coaching@leeclarkcta.com or lee@connect-ed.co.nz

for a FREE PDF guide of the Coaching Wheel and start your journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life today!


In the journey of personal development, purpose, intention, and awareness are indispensable allies. They provide the clarity, direction, and resilience needed to navigate life’s challenges and achieve our goals. By embracing these principles, and using tools like the Coaching Wheel, we can transform our lives, turning setbacks into comebacks and aspirations into achievements. Let’s harness the power of purpose, intention, and awareness to create a fulfilling and successful life.


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