Success is a verb, Not a Noun. Act On It.


Feeling like you're not in control of your own success? The truth is you are. And if you are not succeeding, it's because you are not doing the right things to achieve success.

Don't forget, there are many billionaires who die alone, unloved, or unappreciated. Success is not about money. Money is nice, but it represents that which is attracted to the right kinds of people. Therefore you attract wealth by being the kind of person that wealth is attracted to. And wealth abhors a personality vacuum.

The major thing you must consider is this: 

Success is a verb, not a noun, 

It is a compounding process which requires your total attention. If you understand success and appreciate how successful you are, you will achieve success like it is compounded interest.

Forget 'overnight success'. Success is not some mythical oasis. Success is already inside you. Learn to recognise it. 

Start with the basics, my friend. Every day above ground. i s  a  s u c c e s s.

Your friends your family, your work, your ability to walk to a tap and run clean water - is a success.

Being entitled, grumpy, complaining, ungrateful and whiney is not the mark of success - it is the very opposite. 

 It’s time to change that sad loser narrative. First of all, stop complaining. No one cares. And the more you complain the less they care.

So, Let's dive into how you can take charge of your destiny by discussing Stephen R. Covey's insights on determining factors, contributing factors, and the Circle of Influence.

Who or What is Undermining Your Success?

Often, we feel held back by factors beyond our control. These Determining Factors—like the economy, societal norms, or even the actions of others—can feel like immovable barriers. But focusing on these will only lead to frustration and stagnation.

Instead, shift your focus to Contributing Factors. These are within your control, including your attitudes, choices, and responses to the challenges you face. This shift is where Covey’s concept of the Circle of Influence becomes a game-changer.

Understanding Your Circle of Influence

Covey’s Circle of Influence highlights areas where your actions and decisions can make a tangible impact. By concentrating your efforts here, you can significantly transform your life.

A Simple Exercise to Get Started

  1. List Your Concerns: Write down everything that worries or concerns you—be it work-related, personal relationships, health, etc.
  2. Categorize Them: Separate these concerns into two categories: things you can control and things you cannot.
  3. Focus Your Energy: Dedicate your time and energy to the concerns within your control. This proactive approach can lead to remarkable personal growth and success.

Actionable Steps to Lead Your Own Destiny

  1. Identify Your Determining Factors: Acknowledge the elements affecting your success that you cannot change. Recognize them, but don’t dwell on them.
  2. Spot Your Contributing Factors: Pinpoint the areas where your actions and decisions can make a difference.
  3. Expand Your Circle of Influence: Invest in self-improvement, build positive relationships, and adopt a proactive mindset.

By shifting your focus from what’s undermining you (determining factors) to what you can influence (contributing factors), you pave the way for genuine success. Remember, real transformation starts with focusing on what you can influence and letting go of what you cannot. As Covey wisely said, “The proactive approach to a mistake is to acknowledge it instantly, correct, and learn from it.”

Engage with Your Journey

Reflect on these questions:

  • Who or what is undermining your success?
  • How can you shift your focus today to expand your Circle of Influence?

Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments. Let’s learn from each other and grow together in this journey of self-leadership.

You are the leader of your own destiny. Act like it.

#PersonalDevelopment #StephenRCovey #CircleOfInfluence #SelfImprovement #CoachingForRealists #Leadership #Success #GrowthMindset


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