Overcoming Entropy: Persistence as the Key to Pushing Through the Despair in the Emotional Cycle

In the journey of personal and professional growth, we often find ourselves in the midst of the emotional cycle of change—a cycle that begins with uninformed optimism, peaks at informed pessimism, and sometimes plunges into the valley of despair. This is where entropy, the natural tendency towards disorder, kicks in. The initial excitement fades, doubts creep in, and the weight of progress becomes overwhelming. However, this is also the critical juncture where persistence is required to push through the despair and emerge stronger on the other side.

Understanding the Emotional Cycle of Change

The emotional cycle of change is a psychological model that outlines the emotional stages we experience when undergoing significant changes. According to this model, individuals initially feel excited and optimistic about new endeavours.

However, as challenges arise, this optimism often wanes, leading to a period of informed pessimism, where the reality of the effort and potential setbacks become apparent. The most challenging part of this cycle is the valley of despair, where motivation dips, and the temptation to quit is strongest.

Combating Entropy with Persistence

Entropy in this context represents the natural tendency for motivation and order to break down over time. It’s the force that makes sticking to goals increasingly difficult as the initial excitement fades. The key to overcoming entropy and pushing through the despair lies in persistence—continuing to take action even when the emotional highs have subsided.

A study by the University of Scranton found that only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions, indicating a widespread struggle with persistence when entropy takes hold. Furthermore, research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology highlights that those who persist in their efforts, despite challenges, are more likely to experience long-term success and fulfillment.

Three Pieces of Coaching Advice to Push Through the Despair

  1. Break Goals into Manageable Steps: When facing the valley of despair, the magnitude of the overall goal can feel overwhelming. Breaking your goals into smaller, more manageable steps can create a sense of achievement at each stage. This strategy not only combats entropy but also builds momentum, making it easier to keep going. Celebrate small victories to keep motivation alive.

  2. Focus on the Process, Not Just the Outcome: Persistence is often undermined when we become too fixated on the end result. Shift your focus to the process—the daily habits, routines, and actions that move you closer to your goal. By embracing the journey and finding satisfaction in the effort itself, you build resilience against the emotional dips. As the saying goes, "When you are doing the work, the work is working on you."

  3. Leverage Accountability and Support: Isolation can exacerbate the feelings of despair in the emotional cycle. Surround yourself with a support network—mentors, coaches, or peers—who can provide encouragement and hold you accountable. Regular check-ins and feedback can help you stay on track, even when your motivation is low. According to the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), individuals have a 65% chance of completing a goal if they commit to someone, and if they have a specific accountability appointment, their chances increase to 95%.


Persistence is not just a trait; it’s a practice that needs to be cultivated, especially when facing the inevitable entropy and despair that comes with significant change. By breaking goals into manageable steps, focusing on the process, and leveraging accountability, you can push through the emotional cycle of change and emerge successful on the other side.

Are you interested in pivoting into coaching and helping others navigate their own emotional cycles? My comprehensive online course, 'Mastering Personal Development Coaching,' is launching in late September. This program is designed to equip you with the tools, techniques, and insights needed to become an effective coach. For more information and to express your interest, please reach out at coaching@leeclarkcta.com. I look forward to helping you start this transformative journey.

#Persistence #PersonalDevelopment #EmotionalCycle #GoalSetting #Resilience #CoachingAdvice


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