
Showing posts from January, 2024

How To Make AI Your New Best Friend#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

  In a world increasingly AI (Artificial Intelligence) featured world, it is tempting to feel overwhelmed by the professionalism and bulk of the AI media out there.  But the wonderful thing about AI is that it will make actual humans more valuable. Ask yourself this: “How can I stand out?”  “What makes me different to AI?” That’s right! You are human, flawed and unique.  So AI can't be you, but it can be a great tool to enhance your productivity – if you know how to use it. I’m sure there were people who were afraid of the printing press, the typewriter and the blackboard when they were invented, but come on let’s be realistic. I mean, there is no way you would be able to work out this was done by AI. - Would you?!? AI provides multiple opportunities to cultivate your creativity. For example, although this post wasn’t literally written by AI, it was a great way for me to get the ‘bones’ of the article up and running, and certainly saved me valuable time. I could then employ m

What are the Damaging Impacts of Unspoken Contracts?#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

  How many Unspoken Contracts are you in? You know, those silent agreements that shape our interactions and expectations? Photo by Nemesia Production on Unsplash In boxing, there is a concept often referred to as the "unspoken contract" or "gentleman's agreement" between fighters. This implies an understanding between the two boxers to make the fight entertaining for the spectators while avoiding causing serious harm to each other. They may engage in strategic moves, deliver powerful-looking punches, and create an illusion of intensity, all while maintaining a level of cooperation to ensure that neither fighter is seriously injured. This can be considered as an analogy for certain relationships in love, work, and family. People may engage in behaviours that make the relationship appear functional or successful on the surface but the underlying dynamics may be quite different.  In love and relationships there can be  a ‘Facade of Happiness’. In some romantic

What The Beatles Can Teach Us about Branding#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

 Determination, Decisiveness, Grit and ability = 'Overnight Success'. The Beatles were anything but an 'overnight success'. The Beatles' success is not just a testament to their musical prowess but also a source of valuable lessons for anyone who is keen to develop a brand.  By embracing change, maintaining a consistent identity, fostering collaboration, understanding their audience, storytelling, global appeal, building loyalty, and prioritizing timeless quality, businesses can draw inspiration from the timeless success of The Beatles and apply these principles to their branding strategies. The Beatles were known for their ability to constantly evolve and reinvent themselves. The Beatles of 'The White Album' were very different from 'The Boys' on 'A Hard Day's Night', for example. From the early days of Beatlemania to the experimental phase of albums like "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," they demonstrated the impo

Why it's pointless to 'Teach a Man to Fish' #personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

For a Life Coach, the proverb: "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for life." is misleading advice. It's a bit elitist, actually. It suggests some poor dude in a state of total ignorance just waiting to be rescued by ... well someone. Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash I grew up in a fishing port. I even went out on trawlers into the North Sea a couple of times as a teenager. I'm telling you, sugar, fishing is a complicated business, and boats aren't cheap. So "teach a man to fish" It is full of all sorts of assumptions.  For a start, it assumes that the man already lives in an environment in which fish are available but for reasons unexplained the poor man hasn't worked this out. Praise the Lord that we have come along to point this out to the poor under-educated fool! Then, we have to assume that despite being in an environment in which fishing is a feasible way to overcome starvation, the man lives in a

Seven Pillars of Value for Men #motivation#personaldevelopment

 If you feel that 'masculinity' is an endangered concept, it may be worthwhile asking 'What can anyone do to save it?" Is it the 'job' of life coaching to try? Also it is worth acknowledging that some people out there don't want to save it - they see 'it' as 'toxic' , for example. I was thinking about what it is that makes 'masculinity' worthwhile.  For example, if a person were to argue that 'masculinity' is a social construct, the inference is that, because 'masculinity' is not an innate characteristic, then it requires to be reconstructed.  Often the reconstructed version proposed is that such people simply adopt 'feminine' values. Often on the basis that such values are somehow purer or more innate. This is called 'Having a bob each way'. I.e. proposing that innate gender-characteristics are a reality, but only for those that are acceptable to the p

Why Dogs, Zombies And Robots = World Domination#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

There is some very specific advice about how to gain traction in the modern world, that is, if you wish to join the billions of people in the interest who are all vying for attention.  One of these, is get out in front of as many people as you can.  Another other is: 'Be the Brand'. A third is: 'In order to be the brand you have to share elements of yourself, because no one (yet) can encompass all of the elements that make 'you' up. Finally 'Find Your Niche'. I've decided my niche is people who want more out of life if they are prepared to work for it, and I'm willing to lead by example. So I thought I'd run an extra three sets of one-minute reels each week - making four in total about the following subjects. 'Dogs, Zombies and Robots' because years ago Eric Cohen wrote 'Golfing for Cats' on the basis that lots of people like Golf, and lots of people like cats, so his book was sure to sell. So I reckon 'Dogs, Zombies and Robot

Four Male-Orientated Podcasts for 2024#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

 So I'm declaring 2024 'Year of the Man'. Yes, I like that, and in that spirit, I kick off with four 'Mancasts' for your delectation. For anyone who is concerned by this frightening development, do not worry, women are allowed in too. With thanks in advance to: These guys: Masculine Health Solutions masculine health solutions Masculine Health Solutions .  Masculine Health Solutions . The mission is to see a million men successfully make positive changes in ...  › mens_health_podcasts 35 Best Men's Health Podcasts You Must Follow in 2024 Best Mens Fitness Podcasts to Listen to ⋅ 1. The BJ Gaddour Podcast | Men's  Health  Fitness Workout Nutrition Lifestyle Business ⋅ 2.  › mens_fitness_podcasts 10 Best Mens Fitness Podcasts You Must Follow in 2024 These issues can be applied to a wide range of concerns that a man might face. Our view on society and how it sees us including male-

Four Great Android Privacy Apps to consider in 2024#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

I'm all about personal development and life coaching. Although I enjoy using social media for marketing purposes,  one of my major motivations is respecting other peoples' privacy.  photo:  Guilherme Stecanella  on unsplash In that spirit of privacy and safety, here are four 'top' Apps we can all use to enjoy a quieter, less intruded life. WhatsApp boasts an enormous and dedicated user base. With its integrated web version that lets users take their chats to the desktop, the Facebook-owned app has encrypted messaging. Possibly the largest secure messaging service out there. Tor  Browser   project believes that "internet users should have private access to an uncensored web." Their  overview of how Tor works  addresses specific types of privacy threats (and does so very well). The Tor browser may perform  slowly but you can rely on its protections. DuckDuckGo  i

Getting Your New Year's Resolution Right#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

 How can you be one of the seven percent of adults who make and keep a New Year's Resolution for over thirty days? Find out below, but first a bit of history. The Romans had a demi-God (I suppose) called Janus. Janus had one head but with two faces, one point leftward into the past and one pointing right into the future. This is one of the many origins of The New Year as a time for reflection. And why we have 'January'. I'm a sucker for this time of year. I get into the Christmas season by releasing an  EP of 'Christmas Songs'  and I get all tense and optimistic about 'New Beginnings'.  This year I put out a series of twelve shorts on YouTube about how to prepared for a successful New Year's Resolution, and am feeling a little buzz of optimism . My man  Bedros Keulian  is opposed to all of this as he sees it as a fabricated jolt of optimism that can only result in failure of off-putting of the Goals. He recommends just 'Start Now'. I sympathi