
Showing posts from February, 2024

How to Fool Yourself with Tiny Goals#personaldevelopment#Goals

Image Would you like to know how setting tiny goals can be a game-changer for those in need of a push or some motivation? It's a strategy that harnesses the power of incremental progress to create lasting change and momentum towards larger aspirations. The "Edison Principle" embodies the strategy of achieving success through the systematic pursuit of small, manageable goals. Inspired by Thomas Edison's approach to innovation, it emphasizes relentless experimentation, incremental progress, and perseverance in the face of challenges. The Wright Brothers employed such a principle when they  introduced several groundbreaking innovations to solve the problem of heavier-than-air flight:   Three-axis control system: ensuring stability and manoeuvrability.   Wing-warping: to control lateral stability and roll during flight.   Propeller design: By designing custom propellers crucial for sustained flight.   Wind tunnel te

The New Rock'n'Roll #personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

    Did you ever dig a group before they became ‘famous’ then lose interest because they ‘sold out’? Have you ever 'dug' a self-help guru then lost interest when they upset you? Photo by  Tijs van Leur  on  Unsplash Have you ever considered why Rock’n’Roll was  able  to happen? I mean, the availability of the audience, the changing social constructs, the available of technology such as radio, vinyl and venues? Did you ever consider yourself part of a cool tribe that the ‘squares’ didn’t know of, or understand? Did every (cool) man and his dog suddenly take up an instrument and start practicing in their garage? Well, if you think about it, the personal development industry meets all of those criteria. That's right! Personal Development is the New Rock’n’Roll.  Personal development has emerged to meet certain needs that aren’t met in ‘everyday’ life. It has emerged to fill a void in people's’ needs that conventional institutions fail to recognise or tend to demean. It is

What's Your 'Elevator Pitch'?#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

  There is an anecdote about two masons who were hard at work, chiselling away at stones. When asked by the visiting patron what they were doing, one replied,  "I chip at stones all day," and went into a tirade about long hours, the boredom of his job, the back-breaking labour, the callouses on his hands and so forth.” Photo by Biel Morro on Unsplash   When the patron asked the second mason “What do you do?” he replied: "I'm building a cathedral."  The second Mason went on to describe how the results of his work would inspire people for a hundred generations, defy the laws of gravity and provide a symphony in stone and sheer human effort to the glory of his God. Both masons were correct. But which would you rather be?  The first, self-absorbed and self-pitying, or the second with a clear vision of the greater goal, which imbued his work with meaning and direction?  Equally importantly, which one would you be more likely to employ? Which one would show greater

If asked "What do you do?" What Would You Say? #personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

 You matter. I mean it. You actually matter . When asked the question, "What do you do?" our response ideally would extend far beyond a job description. “I’m a butcher, a baker, a mom, a dad, a meat-worker, a student” While an occupation may define a portion of your daily activities, it fails to encapsulate the breadth and depth of your real impact on the lives of others. Speaking for myself, I am more than a title or a set of responsibilities. I am an agent of change, a catalyst for growth, and a beacon of positivity in the lives of those I encounter. Or at least, I aim to be. In essence, we all facilitate transformation. Whether through direct interaction, mentorship, or leading by example.   On some level, we all strive to influence individuals positively, instilling in them a sense of empowerment and possibility. Our ultimate aim should not be to merely complete tasks or fulfill obligations, but rather to make a tangible difference in the lives of those around us.

Why The First Push Is The Hardest... #personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

Do you feel 'trapped in Amber'? I totally understand. Been there. Got the T-shirt. Often, one of the biggest issues we face when we take on a new venture is simply taking that first step. The initial push can often feel insurmountable. It feels as if we are   ‘Wading through treacle’ holding us back under some magical lure of inertia. Others teaches us that we can eventually overcome and achieve remarkable things. Vincent van Gogh, despite his innate talent and passion for art, struggled for years to find his artistic voice and gain recognition. He faced numerous setbacks and rejections, grappling with self-doubt and emotional turmoil. He persisted, working on his craft and pushing through the inertia. After years of perseverance that he found his metier. I know, it requires courage and persistence to get started. It's like to pushing a stationary car: at first, the resistance feels overwhelming, but with the first roll of the tires, momentum begins to build. Taking tha

Which Came First - Life Coaching or Psychiatry?#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

What is it about us that is drawn to our minds? Understanding the mind, our behaviour and enhancing our well-being has been a timeless part of the human condition.  It has given rise to various disciplines that have aimed to decipher the intricacies of our experience.  Photo by Yura Timoshenko on Unsplash Life coaching, psychiatry, psychology, personal development and  philosophy have emerged as historical partners, each contributing their own and providing overlapping perspectives in pursuit of mental and emotional wellness.  First, let's define some of the terms involved.  Philosophy, with its roots stretching back to ancient times, addresses fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, seeking to understand the cognitive and emotional processes that influence human actions.  Psychiatry, on the other hand, is a branch of medicine that specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, a

Do You Suffer "The Solomon Paradox"? #personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

  King Solomon was famed as having great wisdom. We’ve all heard the story of how he recommended splitting the baby between two women who both claimed to be the mother, and working out who the real mother was by who protested loudest.   And yet, Solomon’s personal life was a mess. He could have benefitted from some life coaching and personal development! (pic: King Solomon in Older Age – Wikipedia: His foibles included: Excessive Polygamy (love the addition of ‘excessive’ to polygamy!): One of Solomon's notable mistakes was his accumulation of a large number of wives, often for political alliances. Despite being explicitly warned in the Bible against marrying foreign women who might lead him astray from worshiping God, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. To fund his ambitious building projects, including the construction of the magnificent Temple in Jerusalem, Solomon imposed heavy taxes and forced an oppressive taxation and la

How Could I Increase My Audience with Social Media? #personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

The Digital age is here to stay. And with AI now a reality,   in the digital age, building and expanding an online audience is crucial for many business’ success. You may be a blogger, content creator, or a business owner. As I have begun to navigate the intricate world of social media, I thought I'd share some strategies that may help you to significantly increase your audience and engagement.   Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash 1. Brand Identity: Before diving into social media, it's essential to establish a clear and consistent brand identity. Define your niche, mission, and values, ensuring that your content reflects who you are and what you stand for. Consistency builds trust, making it easier for your audience to connect with you. Niche defining has been a real struggle for me, as I lacked a clear idea at the outset and devised avatars and ideas based on the wrong demographic. The advice here, is don’t doggedly hang on to an out-moded idea. Use old ideas to enco

How Did The The Beatles and The Rolling Stones Compare?#Beatles#Stones#personaldevelopment#lifecoaching

 The Beatles has a game called 'Coke/Pepsi'. It was their way of judging if a product was authentic or not. The idea behind it was that Coca Cola was an original brand and tht Pepsi was invented to capitalise on the success. It is also true that The Beatles spearheaded 'The British Invasion' of the USA in sixties. Essentially repackaging and selling back to the Americans great American music which had been overlooked by mainstream America because of the colour of the skins of many of its artists. In their wake came a host of other British bands, The Animals, Herman's Hermits, The Dave Clark Five, and others, including The Rolling Stones.  The Beatles, circa 'Rubber Soul' pic: The Beatles had achieved so much adulation that they felt entitled to be the judge and jury over what they deemed to be authentic. And so, how might any of us answer the question: "Are you for real?"  Are you The Beatles or are y